ABOUT prop 36

A dangerous ballot initiative that offers no solutions, only punishment

The 2024 ballot initiative will to make Californians less safe.

Prop 36 resurrects the same cocktail of punishment, prison, jail, and mandatory minimum sentences that put California on a path to mass incarceration decades ago.

proposition 36 would:


  • CUT dedicated funding for drug treatmenT

  • CUT dedicated funding for recidivism reduction

  • CUT dedicated funding for school-based prevention

  • Disproportionately harm low income communities of color


  • Waste $26 BILLION on prison over-spending

  • Spend $10 BILLION more on jails

  • spend $13 BILLION more on court costs

  • Take $850 MILLION away from the state’s most successful drug treatment and homeless prevention programs

  • Take $300 MILLION away from services for survivors of crime


  • Enact new mandatory minimum sentencing

  • Enact new mandatory sentences for people who are caught while unknowingly possessing any amount of fentanyl

  • Require police to book people in jail regardless of whether they pose a risk to public safety

  • And despite claiming to provide treatment it will actually CUT dedicated funding for treatment and victims services