CUTS SAFETY PROGRAMS: Prop 36 cuts $750 million in the next decade from dedicated funding for mental health, drug treatment, victim services, reentry and crime prevention programs. It would take us backwards by cutting these local safety programs to build more prisons.

INCREASES PRISON SPENDING: Prop 36 will cost taxpayers more than $26 billion in prison costs in the next decade—the biggest prison spending increase in California history. The revolving door of locking people up and releasing them without rehabilitation is not working, but this measure invests massively in it.

DON’T BE FOOLED: Prop 36 bills itself as a solution to retail theft and fentanyl but it’s not. These problems need to be addressed, but this is the wrong solution. It proposes going back to the days of putting everyone in prison without new investments in preventing crime in the first place. Californians want a balanced approach to public safety, not one-size-fits-all imprisonment.

Protect REAL SAFETY. Stop Prop 36!



Stop the prison Scam

Stop the prison Scam